Situations When You May Need Help From a U.S./Canada Auto Transport Service

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Improving Your Car From the Inside-Out

When you need to sell your car, you might be worried about making the inside as pristine as possible. But how will you repair that torn upholstery or get rid of that "kid" smell? It might seem like an impossible task, but car dealerships whip cars into shape every day. I worked as an auto detailer for awhile, and these days, I am an absolute car-cleanliness fanatic. I want to teach you the tricks of the trade, which is why I made this website. As you go through this information, try to track down the tips that will make your car a beauty.


Situations When You May Need Help From a U.S./Canada Auto Transport Service

19 February 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Taking a motor vehicle across the border is usually not that big of a deal. However, there are certain situations when it is more logical or even necessary to have an auto transport service to take care of the task on your behalf. Here is a look at a few common situations when you may need help from a U.S./Canada auto transport service. 

1. You are giving a vehicle as a gift to someone who lives in Canada. 

Maybe your child made the transition to become a Canadian citizen and you still live here in the United States. Perhaps you have someone special who lives just across the border and you want to give them a generous gift. If you are planning to gift a car that you purchase in the United States and send it to Canada, you really should consider getting help from an auto transport service who is familiar with this kind of international transport. The company will help you make sure your gift makes it to the individual, gets properly registered, and everything goes smoothly. 

2. You are moving to Canada but not driving your vehicle to get there. 

If you are moving to Canada, it makes more sense to liquidate most of your belongings and buy them new when you get settled in. It can cost a lot to get everything cleared to transport over the border. Therefore, it is not uncommon for people who are going to Canada to stay for a while to take a flight after obtaining their passport. If this is what you intend to do, it is helpful if you can have your car transported from the U.S. to Canada on your behalf. 

3. You are driving a moving truck across the border. 

If you do take your belongings with you into Canada, you will probably drive a moving truck of some sort to get everything across the border. If you do, then you will likely need someone else to drive your vehicle for you. Finding a family member or friend who has the time and documentation to get across the border with your vehicle is not easy. Not to mention, someone driving a car that is not registered in their name can also make crossing the border a more complicated process. It is more feasible to hire an auto transport service to help you get your vehicle where it needs to be.